
Jedi academy full screen
Jedi academy full screen

jedi academy full screen

If you wouldn't use them the first command will be bound and the other- executed in the moment of writing the command! bind " command 1 wait command 2 wait command n " To bind multiple commands to 1 key follow the scheme: To bind command to button use following command: Will make the N button switch onscreen hud on and off. For example command: /bind n toggle cg_draw2d In such cases you may use the word "toggle" between them to change the current state to the other. Most of the variables can take only two values: "0" and "1". Of course there are much more, but this should help you in better understanding what you are doing. sv_ commands are responsible for server-client communication like allowing downloads, checking server hostname or snaps.g_ commands server settings like force regeneratio time or gravity.

jedi academy full screen

r_ started commands are responsible for main graphics settings.cg_ started commands are responsible for your onscreen graphics (like switching time, fps and lag counters, disabling saber trails etc).cl_ started commands are controlling packets and your game movements (like mouse and rotating speed).Here are the most common prefixes you gonna use:

Jedi academy full screen