
Mount and blade warband diplomacy
Mount and blade warband diplomacy

mount and blade warband diplomacy

If you increase trading skill with one of the companions, put 2 points in it for your character to get the +1 extra.Visit the villages near the towns for cheap goods.Put points to inventory management (at least 2) to have more space for goods.have 6 horses in your inventory (as "pack" horses) - the cheapest you can find (quality of the horse doesn't matter).keep the army size small (but high enough to "scare" bandits away),.prefer cavalry over infantry (for trading journeys),.increase the skill with one companion and have two points on your own),

mount and blade warband diplomacy mount and blade warband diplomacy

give riding skill and horses to all companions,.Thus, feel free to experiment and take on the opportunities you see. Also, there are a lot of trading opportunities not all can be listed here. You can learn all this info in game, by doing trading, using the asses good deals option in the marketplace of the towns, using the Merchant's Ledger, talking to the guild master about trade and production of the different cities, so consider the information below. The tips and informations originate from Tale Worlds Forum and are just summarized here. You also learn an example trade route that goes around all Calradia in Warband. In this article, you learn example price ranges and thresholds (to buy under X, to sell over Y) for the most profitable goods. Trading goods is a great way to make money in Mount & Blade: Warband.

Mount and blade warband diplomacy